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Design app layouts for different screen sizes. Designing your app layouts for different screen sizes is essential to creating a great user experience. In this tutorial, designer Cynthia Fong scales her app design for optimal display on any screen.
As a designer on the Adobe Studio team, Cynthia Fong brings her passion for inspiring others to all her creative projects. Fong provided an XD file that includes a fully designed artboard and additional design elements for you to use as you try this technique. Use this practice file or practice with a file of your own. She double-clicked the new artboard title and renamed it. With the new artboard selected, she dragged the middle right handle to decrease the artboard width.
Responsive Resize is turned off by default, so none of the elements resized. Fong then enabled Responsive Resize by toggling the switch in the Property Inspector. When she dragged the artboard to a mobile width this time, the elements resized much better. The Responsive Resize feature works best when the elements in your design are organized. Fong spent time during the design phase grouping elements like the menu icons so that XD would scale and reposition them accordingly.
Responsive Resize does its best to scale and position elements when resizing to new layouts. There were times when Fong discovered she wanted to override the Auto settings. She deselected Fixed Width and resized the artboard again.
This time, the images resized in a way that was closer to what she wanted. With the two featured images selected, Fong held Alt or Option as she dragged to adjust the padding between the images and the edges of the artboard.
The gallery below the main image is contained in a Repeat Grid. She then moved the three dots to the right. After she resized to mobile, only one gallery image was visible. To fix this, she selected the Repeat Grid in the Layers panel and dragged the handle off the side of artboard to show all the images. The mobile design was pretty close at this point.
Fong manually adjusted the header elements to put the finishing touches on her design. She then selected the Hero layer in the Layers panel and resized and positioned the main image, header icons, title, and tagline until she was happy with the overall layout. Use Responsive Resize to speed up your design workflow as you customize your app layout for different screen sizes.
Note: Project files included with this tutorial are for practice purposes only. Before You Start Fong provided an XD file that includes a fully designed artboard and additional design elements for you to use as you try this technique. Step 3: Get Organized The Responsive Resize feature works best when the elements in your design are organized.
Step 4: Check Constraints Responsive Resize does its best to scale and position elements when resizing to new layouts. Step 5: Expand the View With the two featured images selected, Fong held Alt or Option as she dragged to adjust the padding between the images and the edges of the artboard. Step 7: Move Things Around The mobile design was pretty close at this point. Design with Speed Use Responsive Resize to speed up your design workflow as you customize your app layout for different screen sizes.
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